The Magnolia Effect
When I took the make-up course, many years ago, I was so passionate about make-up that I was analyzing red carpet looks for hours. The complexion, the eyes, lips, everything in detail, and I was searching to find out what kind of products the make-up artist used to achieve that look. This is the way I came across a Charlize Theron make-up that I just loved.
The white eyeliner experiment
The cherry trees are in bloom. Doesn’t really have anything to do with my post, but I saw them a couple of days ago and I had my camera with me, so I thought you should enjoy these wonderful little flowers too. The thing with my post is this: for technical reasons, I wasn’t able to finish another piece (missing some props) so I decided to try a make-up with white eyeliner, just to see how it looks. Why not? Raluca took the camera, I put my new blouse on... Read More
Fresh make-up for spring
Smells like spring, so I started the spring cleaning (painting the walls), clothes sorting, salad making and I even changed my haircut. Do you like it? I identify spring with freshness, so I thought I would show you the products that I consider necessary for a make-up that is fast, fresh and full of vitality. I know everybody is always in a hurry, which is why I am going to select the minimum of products with a maximum effect.
How I clean my make-up brushes
Because I love my brushes, I take great care of them and that is why they are in great shape, although some of them are many years old. Here are a few things that work in getting clean brushes and keeping them in good shape for more time.