Sfaturi nesolicitate si ajutorul necerut.
Cred ca unul din motivele pentru care suntem aici, pe pamant, este sa invatam si sa ne insusim anumite lectii. Lectia suprema, cred eu, tine de iubire. Unde exista iubire si acceptare, nu mai este nimic de invatat. Lectiile variaza de la o persoana la alta si, daca privim atent, putem si observa unele dintre acestea, in zonele care nu functioneaza asa cum ne-am dori. Acestea sunt cele mai evidente, dar exista si lectii pe care eu le numesc lectii deghizate. In ultimii ani, una din aceste lectii a fost... Read More
Three Early Fall Looks
For this fall, and more accurately, for the beginning of this season, I bought some things that are very dear to me. So I made photos and even a little movie on my YouTube channel (https://youtu.be/VNx4ytOfeWo), so I can show them to you.
After a pretty long break, I’m back on the blog! This summer was a full one for our family. The girls were in summer holiday, me … not so much … Spending a lot of time with my daughters, my work time was limited, so I chose to prioritize with my projects with Raluca and also the weekends were reserved mostly for make-ups. So, we will be back very soon with news regarding our book and new projects.
Winged Eyeliner Cat Eye
I’m not going to lie, applying eyeliner is no easy task. There are good days and there are days when I just can’t make it happen. It’s all about exercise, after all. Today I wanted to show you an eyeliner focused dramatic look. Because I have hooded eyes, I have to start drawing the line quite low, from the outer corner right where the lid is dropping, to be able to create a straight line. I continued drawing on the lower lid too, to form the illusion of a elongated... Read More
Summer Make-up and Outfit
I was thinking about my favorite summer make-up or what kind of make-up would I wear if I were to go to a restaurant or a terrace. It didn’t take long to reach this conclusion: gold eyelids, false lashes, orange red lips and a lot of highlighter. And because I was looking for a pair of short shorts for a while now and I finally found them, I thought I would show you a summer look for this make-up.