
Protectie si hidratare de la Gerovital

EN: I recently finished my Gerovital thermo-protector hair serum and I thought maybe I should spend a little more time taking care of my skin, because fall is here and I my skin needs more hydration and rejuvenation. And what do you think I got from Gerovital? A thermo-protector serum and hyaluronic acid phials for a 10 day treatment. I was really pleased because I wanted to try these hyaluronic acid phials, since I used the collagen ones in my beauty shop with good results.

RO: Mi se terminase, de curand, serul termoprotector pentru par de la Gerovital si mi-am propus sa ma ocup putin mai mult de tenul meu, pentru ca intrand in toamna, simt ca am nevoie de mai multa hidratare si revigorare a tenului. Si ce primesc eu de la Gerovital? Un ser termoprotector si fiole cu acid hialuronic pentru un tratament de zece zile. Am fost foarte incantata, pentru ca imi doream sa incerc fiolele cu acid hialuronic, deoarece pe cele cu colagen le-am folosit in salon, cu rezultate bune.

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EN: I apply thermo-protector serum every time I use the curler, after washing my hair. I really like this serum because it gives shine to my hair. It has a very nice scent, but fades pretty quickly. The serum forms a protecting pellicle at the strand of hair, with low heat conductivity, and contains Aloe Vera extract and B5 provitamin.

I use it on wet hair and leave it in for about 5 minutes, after that I blow my hair with the hairdryer and at last I use the curler. If the curls are blunt the next day and I want to refresh my hair a little, I use the serum again and curl the blunt tresses.

RO: Serumul termoprotector il folosesc de fiecare data cand, dupa spalarea parului, folosesc ondulatorul. Imi place acest ser, in mod special, pentru ca am observat ca da stralucire parului. Are un miros placut la pulverizare, dar care dispare destul de repede sau cel putin nu il mai simt eu. Serul actioneaza formand o pelicula protectoare la nivelul firului de par, cu conductivitate scazuta a caldurii, si contine extract de Aloe Vera si Provitamina B5.

Eu il folosesc pe parul umed si il las sa actioneze cam 5 minute, dupa care folosesc uscatorul de par si la final ondulatorul. Daca a doua zi buclele sunt lasate si vreau sa improspatez putin coafura, folosesc din nou serul si ondulez numai suvitele lasate.

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EN: The hyaluronic acid is responsible with the level of skin hydration, but its volume decreases with age, so these phials are recommended after the age of 30.

Every evening, after make-up removing and cleansing (it is crucial that the skin is very clean, so that the serum can penetrate de skin) I use a phial. I apply it on my face and I massage my skin until the product is fully absorbed. After a few days, you can see the smoothing of fine wrinkles and overall the skin is rejuvenated. The sensation when I open a phial and I massage my face is very satisfying. I feel like I’m doing something good for my skin and that gives me a good state of being.

RO: Acidul hialuronic este direct raspunzator de nivelul de hidratare a pielii, dar volumul acestuia din epiderma, scade odata cu varsta, aceste fiole fiind recomandate dupa varsta de 30 de ani.

In fiecare seara, dupa demachierea si curatarea pielii (este foarte important ca pielea sa fie foarte curata, asa incat serul sa poata patrunde in piele) folosesc cate o fiola. Aplic pe toata suprafata fetei si masez usor, pana produsul este complet absorbit. Dupa cateva zile, se poate observa o netezire a ridurilor fine si per total pielea este revitalizata. Pentru mine este foarte satisfacatoare senzatia cand deschid fiola si imi fac un usor masaj facial. Simt ca fac ceva benefic pentru pielea mea si asta imi da o stare de bine.


Poze: Raluca Popoviciu

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