The gift
Cred ca exista multe lucruri pe care le putem oferi celorlalti, dar cred ca darul cel mai de pret pe care ni-l putem oferi noua, celorlalti si lumii este propria nostra implinire si fericire. Cum poti oferi ceva, daca nu ai de unde? Desi de mici ni se spun povesti cu eroi care se sacrifica pentru binele celorlalti, in viata reala, de cele mai multe ori, sacrificiul naste frustrare, iar frustrarea naste repros, iar acesta duce la ura si separare. De ce am lua-o pe aceasta carare???
Cand spun fericire si implinire nu ma refer la faptul ca ar trebui sa nu ne pese de nimeni inafara de noi, pana nu atingem o stare de beatitudine continua. Ma refer la cum decidem sa privim fiecare moment din viata nostra, cum decidem sa il traim, alaturi de cine, in ce directie ne indreptam cel mai mult atentia … cat de mult suntem focusati pe noi, pe evolutia noastra …
Cred ca un om care isi urmeaza visele, care se respecta, care se iubeste pe el, care isi ofera in fiecare zi macar o clipa pentru el, va emana de cele mai multe ori o energie pozitiva cu care va reusi sa ii dispuna pe cei din jur si sa ii inspire.
Iubeste-ti aproapele ca pe tine insuti! Iubirea de sine este deci cea din care izvoraste iubirea pentru ceilalti si nu invers.
I believe there are many things we can offer others, but the most precious one we can give us, others and the entire world is our own fulfillment and happiness. How can you offer something you don not have? Although we are told stories of heroes that sacrifice for the good of others, in real life, most of the times, sacrifice gives birth to frustration, and frustration leads to blame and blame leads to hatred and separation. Why would you wanna take that path?
When I say happiness and fulfillment I don not mean we should not care for others, but only for ourselves until we reach a state of continuous bliss. I mean that the way we decide to look at every moment of our life, the way we decide to live that moment, alongside whom, which way do we channel our attention most … how much are we focused on ourselves, on our evolution …
I believe that a person who follows her/his dreams, who has respect for herself/himself, who has love for herself/himself, who offers herself/himself a moment, will release positive energy most of the times, with which will succeed to bring joy to those around herself/himself and to inspire.
Love your neighbor the way you love yourself! Self love is the source from which the love for others springs and not the other way around.
The sky is not the limit. Your mind is! :)))
Keep helping people and you’ll receive everything you want in life.
I will! Thank you.
Initially, I believed your headline was misleading, but you really delivered. Nice job.
Thank you! 🙂