
Three Early Fall Looks

 For this fall, and more accurately, for the beginning of this season, I bought some things that are very dear to me. So I made photos and even a little movie on my YouTube channel (https://youtu.be/VNx4ytOfeWo), so I can show them to you.

My style is more and more minimalist and I build my wardrobe in the same minimalist way. Less is more, in the number of the things I have in my closet. I am much more selective when I buy something. I look for things that are easy to incorporate in my wardrobe and I realized that as the number of cloths gets smaller, but they are cloths I love and they give me joy, the more creative I become in combining them. It’s the way my brain works, I guess. This style is not for everybody, but it’s perfect for me.


Pentru aceasta toamna, si mai precis, pentru inceputul de toamna, mi-am achizitionat cateva piese vestimentare, care imi sunt tare dragi. Asa ca am facut cateva poze si chiar un filmulet pe canalul meu de pe YouTube, ca sa vi le prezint. Din ce in ce mai mult, adopt un stil minimalist in ce priveste modul in care imi construiesc garderoba. Less is more, in ceea ce priveste numarul articolelor vestimenare pe care le detin. Sunt mult mai pretentioasa cand imi cumpar ceva. Caut sa pot integra cu usurinta noile achizitii in cadrul garderobei mele, si mi-am dat seama ca cu cat am mai putine piese vestimentare, dar care sa imi placa si sa imi ofere bucurie cand le vad, cu atat devin mai creativa in modul in care le combin. Asa cred ca functioneaza creierul meu. Acest stil nu cred ca este pentru toata lumea, dar pentru mine functioneaza perfect.

I really wanted a jacket for fall, a cardigan, something warm and that looks good on me. Although what I bought looks like an oversize coat, the material is more of a cardigan.


Cel mai mult mi-am dorit sa imi cumpar o haina de toamna, un cardigan, ceva care sa fie si calduros, dar sa aiba si tinuta. Desi ceea ce mi-am cumparat eu arata ca un palton oversize, materialul este mai de graba de cardigan.


 Bershka Jaket       Zara T-Shirt     TU Denim Leggings      Stradivarius Trainers



I rarely wear heels in the fall. I wanted something comfortable, but appropriate for outings with my girls, for a restaurant or for more festive events.


Tocuri port foarte rar in perioada aceasta. Mi-am dorit ceva comod, dar si potrivit pentru iesiri in oras cu fetele, la un restaurant sau evenimente putin mai festive.

 Bershka Shoes        H&M Blazer      Pimkie Blouse         Zara Jeans


And last, but not least, these green velvet flats that I am truly in love with. I find the color perfect for this season and they are the type of shoes I grab when I’m in a hurry, but still want to look good.


Si nu in ultimul rand, acesti balerini din catifea verde de care eu sunt super indragostita. Culoarea mi se pare foarte potrivita pentru toamna si sunt genul de incaltari la care apelez cand sunt in graba, dar totusi vreau sa arat bine.

Zara Shoes       Zara Jeans       Pull&Bear Blouse      Stradivarius Bag



See you soon!

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