
Winged Eyeliner Cat Eye

I’m not going to lie, applying eyeliner is no easy task. There are good days and there are days when I just can’t make it happen. It’s all about exercise, after all. Today I wanted to show you an eyeliner focused dramatic look. Because I have hooded eyes, I have to start drawing the line quite low, from the outer corner right where the lid is dropping, to be able to create a straight line. I continued drawing on the lower lid too, to form the illusion of a elongated eye, the cat eye. In order to cut down on the drama of this look, I decided to stop at the middle of the lid, otherwise I would have showed you an Arab make-up style.

When I shot this video it was incredibly hot outside, so please excuse my shiny face. At the end, I stop filming to apply powder, so I won’t look like a disco ball.

Please watch my video on my youtube channel: https://youtu.be/qE5jjiAz41Y


Nu am sa mint, aplicarea tusului nu e treaba usoara. Sunt zile mai bune si zile in care nicicum nu imi iese. Totul tine de exercitiu, pana la urma. Azi am vrut sa va prezint un look mai dramatic, realizat din tus. Pentru ca eu am pleoapa cazuta, trebuie sa incep in coltul extern destul de jos cu trasarea liniei, chiar sub zona unde se pliaza pleoapa, penru a crea o linie dreapta. Am continuat si pe pleoapa inferioara, pentru a crea iluzia de ochi alungit, cat eye. Pentru a taia putin din dramatismul look-ului, am decis sa ma opresc cu tusul pe la mijlocul pleoapei, ca altfel va prezentam machiajul arabesc.

Cand am filmat acest tutorial erau 100 de grade afara, asa ca, va rog sa imi scuzati fata sclipitoare. Pe final, m-am oprit din filmat si am aplicat pudra, ca sa nu mai arat ca un disco ball.

Va invit sa urmariti tutorialul pe canalul meu de youtube: https://youtu.be/qE5jjiAz41Y

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