After a pretty long break, I’m back on the blog! This summer was a full one for our family. The girls were in summer holiday, me … not so much … Spending a lot of time with my daughters, my work time was limited, so I chose to prioritize with my projects with Raluca and also the weekends were reserved mostly for make-ups. So, we will be back very soon with news regarding our book and new projects.
We had fun, we relaxed, we worked, but last week was back to school week for my girls. Leia is in second grade and Lora just started pre-school. It was not an easy week, but slowly we are getting our rhythm back.
I’m working on new materials for my blog and my YouTube channel. I will continue with what you were used to (beauty and make-up), but I also thought of working on lifestyle materials, because I want my blog to really reflect my life as a mother, woman, wife, make-up addict, and also to show you my new professional adventures with Raluca, and least but not last, my spiritual searches.
I was so eager to get back to work, with new and interesting materials!
Dupa o pauza destul de lunga, am revenit pe blog! Vara aceasta a fost o vara plina pentru mine si familia noastra. Fetele au fost in vacanta, eu nu asa mult … Pentru ca timpul de munca pentru mine a fost limitat, petrecand mai mult timp cu fetele, am preferat sa prioritizez in directia proiectelor mele cu Raluca, iar weekendurile au fost rezervate, de cele mai multe ori, machiajelor. Asa ca, in curand vom veni cu noutati in ce priveste cartea noastra si noi proiecte.
Ne-am distrat, ne-am relaxat, am muncit, dar de saptamana trecuta a inceput scoala si gradinita pentru fetele mele. Leia este clasa a doua si Lora este grupa mica la gradinita. A fost o saptamana grea, dar incet, incet ne intram in noul ritm.
Pe blog si pe canalul meu de pe YouTube pregatesc materiale noi. Voi continua cu ceea ce v-am obisnuit pana acum (beauty si make-up), dar m-am gandit sa fac si materiale de lifestyle, pentru ca imi doresc ca blogul sa devina o reflexie cat mai cuprinzatoare a vietii mele de mamica, de femeie, de sotie, de iubitoare de make-up, si sa va prezint si noile aventuri profesionale alaturi de Raluca, si nu in ultimul rand, cautarile mele ce tin de spiritualitate.
Abia am asteptat sa ma apuc din nou de treaba, cu materiale noi si interesante!
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