
January 2015


Beneficiile meditatiei.

E simpla treaba cu meditatia. Sunt atatea de povestit despre acest subiect si cred ca asta da impresia ca actul in sine este ceva foarte greu de realizat si chiar ciudat. Imi vine sa rad, cand ma gandesc ce reactii am starnit eu cu acest subiect, in cazul unor persoane … poate am sa va povestesc cu alta ocazie. Ce NU este meditatia? Meditatia nu presupune concentrare, lipsa controlului, efort mental si nu este raspunsul la toate problemele noastre. Ce este meditatia? Meditatiea este o stare naturala de pace interioara,...
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My favorite nail polishes.

Here are my favorite nail polishes from my collection. Because nail polish doesn’t last long on me and because I get bored easily with one color, I tend to change my nail polish often depending on my mood. Every color reminds me of something or someone or makes me feel in a certain way. This color makes me happy. My mother used to wear a blouse in this color when I was little and I loved it.OPI – Thanks a WindMillion This nude color has a very clean feeling and...
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